Ophthalmic Resources is introducing the Ophthalmic Resources DED System, a comprehensive, but easy to use electronic algorithm which will make the care and treatment of your Dry Eye patient base easier, more efficient and effective within your practice.


The Ophthalmic Resources DED System, provides systematic electronic diagnostic tests and customized treatment algorithms developed by two of the eye care industry’s leading Dry Eye specialists. Doctors Doug Devries and Paul Karpecki developed this system using their combined 40+ years of caring for patients in practices specializing in Ocular Surface Disease. Results from over 3,000 of their patients provided the care recommendations that serve as the treatment baseline of the OSData™ algorithm.
By using the Ophthalmic Resources DED System, your patient’s treatment will be guided by the OSData™ electronic algorithm coupled with your with your clinical observations and in office test results. At the end of your exam the electronic data gathered will offer you recommendations on the OTC items, Rx needs and in office treatments that would benefit your patient. The patient’s data is stored, and available for recall at the next visit. The OTC items that are selected for your patient will be conveniently sent directly to their home, thereby increasing your confidence in their ultimate compliance.
As more and more patients are seen, the Ophthalmic Resources algorithm will represent the first real time aggregation of data from all users, resulting in the ultimate development of artificial intelligence mediation in the ongoing management of DED patients.
Dr. Paul Karpecki and Dr. Doug Devries have years of combined clinical experience in refining the diagnosis and treatment algorithms used to treat dry eye patients. Many eye care practitioners (ECPs) are looking for a better way to manage these patients efficiently and effectively in an everyday practice setting. In the recent past it has been one of the most difficult patient populations to effectively manage due to the limited diagnostic options and treatment protocols.
Ophthalmic Resources is committed to both doctors and patients to provide systematic electronic diagnostic testing and customized treatment algorithms resulting in the best products made easily accessible to patients. This will ensure maximum convenience and thereby compliance in treating the patient’s condition.
Dr. Paul Karpecki and Dr. Doug Devries have years of combined clinical experience in refining the diagnosis and treatment algorithms used to treat dry eye patients. Many eye care practitioners (ECPs) are looking for a better way to manage these patients efficiently and effectively in an everyday practice setting. In the recent past it has been one of the most difficult patient populations to effectively manage due to the limited diagnostic options and treatment protocols.
Ophthalmic Resources is committed to both doctors and patients to provide systematic electronic diagnostic testing and customized treatment algorithms resulting in the best products made easily accessible to patients. This will ensure maximum convenience and thereby compliance in treating the patient’s condition.
Dry Eye Device

The Ophthalmic Resources DED System gives Eye Care Practitioners a more effective and efficient way to manage DED patients in their practice. By purchasing the OR DED System, which is pre-programmed with the Proprietary OSData™ and IPEDA™ programs, a doctor becomes an Affiliate ECP with Ophthalmic Resources.
The OR DED System provides the Affiliate ECP an efficient and easy to follow protocol to use in an OSD patient exam. The patient data is stored electronically, Rx, in office and OTC treatments are recommended at each visit, and the treatments of each patient are confidentially aggregated with all other patients to continually refresh ongoing treatment plans with more comprehensive patient results.
OSData™ OSD Analyzer
OSData™ Complex Electronic Diagnostic Algorithm allows doctors to enter OSD symptoms and diagnostic test resultsand derives a treatment protocol (Rx, OTC, other). Generates an order drop shipped to patient’s door. Patient data is confidentially stored and aggregated to update treatment recommendations.
IPEDA™ New Diagnostic Device
Groundbreaking Diagnostic Device which can be used to conveniently begin a DED exam The test allows ECP to record full and partial blinks while the patient reads text. The results are then entered as datapoints within the OSData algorithm.
The IPEDA™ Blink Analyzer gives the ECP a good way to start the exam while gathering blink analysis information that feeds into the OSData™ DED Diagnostic Algorithm.
Switching to the OSData™ Screen the ECP electronically compiles the patient data, osmolarity, blink and other diagnostic results, according to a systematic exam blueprint laid out by the algorithm’s program.
In areas where the ECP would like verification that their grading of a condition is consistent with the algorithm design a small plus sign can be clicked and pictures will appear to illustrate their choice is correct.
When the exam is complete three areas of treatment could be recommended. OTC treatments, In office treatments, and Rx products if necessary. To make it easy on the ECP and so that inventory is more easy to control the OTC items will be direct shipped to the patient on behalf of the Affiliate ECP. The patient data is stored and populates into the OSData™ program when the patient comes for the follow up visit.
For Your Practice
- Each of your DED patients data is confidentially integrated into the algorithm results so that treatment learnings can be updated and shared in a dynamic and continual process.
- Your patients’ OTC needs are sent directly to their home alleviating the expense and concerns of extra office inventory management.
For Your Patients
- Constantly evolving, highest standard of care is given to DED patients with each visit.
- Direct ship insures optimal compliance with the products and care instructions the ECP believes to be the best.
- The patient portal will provide convenient and cost effective product reorders with educational and usage instructions in one easy location.
Ophthalmic Resources provides an Affiliate ECP with electronic OSD treatment protocols developed by Dr. Karpecki and Dr. Devries for use in the diagnosis of their patients. In a comprehensive, but easy to follow treatment plan, diagnosis of the initial and ongoing steps needed with each DED patient are well defined. In subsequent visits the patient’s progression is updated electronically and the treatment protocol refreshed.
Best of all, your patient, as a benefit of you being an Ophthalmic Resources Affiliate, will be sent the non-Rx items you have recommended directly to their home, saving you the expense and bother of having to inventory all recommended treatment items. Or the problem of patients picking a less effective choice at their pharmacy because of expense and availability at the place where they shop.
In cooperation with our vendors and through the Ophthalmic Resources Patient Ordering Portal your patients will receive their treatment needs at a price typically less than what would be charged at retail. As an Ophthalmic Resources Affiliate you will receive credit for both their initial and ongoing purchases through the Ophthalmic Resources Patient Ordering Portal.
Ophthalmic Resources provides an Affiliate ECP with electronic OSD treatment protocols developed by Dr. Karpecki and Dr. Devries for use in the diagnosis of their patients. In a comprehensive, but easy to follow treatment plan, diagnosis of the initial and ongoing steps needed with each DED patient are well defined. In subsequent visits the patient’s progression is updated electronically and the treatment protocol refreshed.
Best of all, your patient, as a benefit of you being an Ophthalmic Resources Affiliate, will be sent the non-Rx items you have recommended directly to their home, saving you the expense and bother of having to inventory all recommended treatment items. Or the problem of patients picking a less effective choice at their pharmacy because of expense and availability at the place where they shop.
In cooperation with our vendors and through the Ophthalmic Resources Patient Ordering Portal your patients will receive their treatment needs at a price typically less than what would be charged at retail. As an Ophthalmic Resources Affiliate you will receive credit for both their initial and ongoing purchases through the Ophthalmic Resources Patient Ordering Portal.